The Apex Legends Season 21 released just a couple of weeks ago brought with it some exciting additions to the game. However, many players are already seeking the ultimate Apex Legends Tier List. We have compiled characters under different tiers, ranging from S to D based on several deciding factors. 

We tested how effective they are in battle, considering the skills they possess, their survivability, as well as how efficient they are at delivering value as a team member. Here is the list, starting from top to bottom.

Apex Legends Tier List S

The S Tier consists of the best of the bunch. The characters from the Apex Legends Tier List S are best for both casual and ranked matches. Moreover, their abilities provide the best perks and benefits when faced with other characters.

Apex Legends Tier List S


Bloodhound is the hunter that operates with info. His tactical ability, Tracker’s Eye highlights nearby enemies, footsteps, and other clues, revealing their positions and movements. Beast of the Hunt empowers players by allowing them to see enemies through walls, move faster, and mark highlighted enemies for their entire team. As a beginner-friendly Apex Legends Tier List S character as well as a pro’s favorite, Bloodhound is an invaluable asset for any squad looking to dominate the early game by finding and eliminating enemies before they even know what hit them.


Alter is a fantastic choice for both aggressive and defensive play. Phase Breach allows the team to teleport, ignoring enemy abilities (except Caustic’s gas) for a brief window. This puts up an opportunity for the team to flank enemies, escape sticky situations, or secure high ground with ease. Her ultimate, Dimensional Rift, creates a persistent portal that her entire team can use to quickly reposition across the map. This makes her a fantastic choice as a Apex Legends Tier List S, even for a solo play.


The soldier Bangalore uses smoke to master the field. Smoke Launcher fires high-explosive smoke grenades that can be used to create cover, block enemy vision, and flush enemies out of hiding. With her strong offensive and defensive capabilities, Bangalore is a great initiator (entry fragger) who can help her team secure early positioning and control the flow of battle. The great skillset and overall decent mobility puts her as Apex Legends Tier List S choice.


Newcastle is the shield master and a fantastic choice at Apex Legends Tier List S. His tactical ability, Mobile Fortification, throws a deployable shield that can be used for cover, reviving downed teammates, or even blocking enemy doorways. His ultimate, Castle Wall is even more interesting. It creates a massive fortified wall that can be used to advance on enemies, creating a massive, undisturbed wave of allies to advance on the battlefield. 


A master of electricity, Conduit brings both offensive and defensive capabilities to the battlefield. Aside from deploying an electrified wall, Conduit’s Amp Wall can also be used to redirect friendly grenades and projectiles. This provides another layer of offense, alongside her ultimate, Tesla Trap. It is a total banger with a wide area and stun. This makes Conduit a versatile support Legend, excelling at area denial, controlling enemy movement, and unleashing bursts of damage.


For the ones who like to bring the boom to the battlefield. Fuse’s ability Firebomb inflicts fire damage that lingers, effectively deploying a barrier of entry for the enemies. His ultimate, The Motherlode, launches a cluster of grenades that create a massive wall of fire, perfect for zoning enemies out of an area or flushing them out of cover. The same goes for Fuse and Conduit, they are excellent at area denial while disrupting the enemy’s structure.


Horizon’s best mate is gravity. She’s able to pull enemies to one point using Gravitational Lift, which is perfect for doing area damage. Try pairing Horizon with a huge damage dealer for the perfect window of opportunity. er ultimate, Black Hole, creates a powerful gravity field that sucks in enemies and prevents them from escaping, dealing constant damage until it’s gone. Horizon is ideal for taking the high ground and controlling choke points.

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Apex Legends Tier List A

These are the closest characters to mimic the Apex Legends Tier List S qualities. However, due to some factors, they are unable to provide the best qualities under certain situations.

Apex Legends Tier List A
Mad Maggie


Caustic controls the battlefield by using traps. Playing on a map with huge clusters of rooms or choke points can benefit players using him. His tactical ability, Nox Gas Trap, throws down a canister that emits a cloud of toxic gas, damaging and slowing enemies who walk through it. On the other hand, his ultimate Nox Gas Grenade blasts a grenade that explodes into a large cloud of Nox gas, damaging enemies in the area, forcing the enemies to either flee or die, flushing some out of cover. He’s particularly strong in skilled hands who can strategically place traps and utilize the gas to their advantage.


Revenant’s tactical ability, Silence, makes him a powerful initiator who can shut down enemy defenses before they can react as it disables enemies. He can also put the team into an invulnerable state by using Death Totem. It allows him and the team to roam the field as shadows that have a faster speed while running and climbing. However, do note that they are much fragile and can revert to their original selves after taking too much damage. However, his skill in disabling the enemies’ ultimates gets him the seat to become Apex Legends Tier List A character.


Crypto’s strength lies in strategic coordination. He is a powerful character who relies on his drone for intel. He can spot enemies, and highlight their movements for his team. He can also unleash a devastating EMP blast through the drone, disrupting enemy shields and abilities, creating a window for his squad to strike. However, try experimenting with his communication and teamwork to maximize effectiveness.


Gibraltar uses the shield to protect teammates who are reviving him or reviving others with Gun Shield. His tactical ability, Dome of Protection, throws down a fortified dome shield that blocks enemy bullets and grenades. It creates a safe spot for the team to heal, revive, and reposition for another offense. His ultimate, the Defensive Bombardment calls down a mortar strike that deals heavy area damage. He is an unmatched pick in terms of defensive abilities as a tank.

Mad Maggie

For the aggressive players out there, Maggie can be the perfect player to the blend. Using her tactical ability Drilling Nade allows players to plant traps for enemies who are coming in while stunning them at the same time. It can also be used to destroy doors and other deployables. er ultimate, War’s Fury, fires a speeding projectile that highlights and forcefully speeds up enemies it touches, forcing them to run towards the blast zone at the end of its path. Maggie’s skillset puts her as the ideal character for both offensive and defensive plays. 


The engineer Wattson is the perfect choice to form defensive setups as a support for the team. Perimeter Security allows automatic repairs to damaged shields. However, her ultimate is what some consider to be a support powerhouse, as Pylon Interceptor creates a pylon that intercepts incoming grenades and damages, bringing a total impenetrable defense. Wattson excels at holding down buildings, creating safe zones, and keeping her team’s shields topped up.


Pathfinder is highly mobile and versatile. Using his tactical ability Grappling Hook, he grapples towards a pointed location or enemy. This skill makes Pathfinder a great character to easily reach high ground, escape danger, or close the distance to the enemy. He can also use his ultimate, Zipline Gun, to create fast travel points for allies to travel between locations quickly. As support characters go, he is an invaluable asset to have on the Apex Legends Tier List A.

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Apex Legends Tier List B

The Apex Legends Tier List B characters are rather difficult to master and some players will have a hard time playing them. Furthermore, many players will be unable to fully optimize the characters’ potential.

Apex Legends Tier List S


Octane prioritizes speed and aggression in combat. His tactical ability, Stim, injects himself with a stim that increases his movement speed for a short duration at the cost of his health. It’s always a fun time playing Octane generally on any map, considering his high mobility. However, his simple abilities may not always benefit the team as much as higher Apex Legends Tier List characters.


Loba is great at finding good loot and supporting her team. Her tactical ability, Eye for Quality, allows him to reveal nearby loot through walls so that her team can plan on their looting strategy and find the best equipment quickly. Transporting the loot is another easy matter as Loba’s ultimate, Black Market Boutique teleports loot directly from nearby care packages and deathboxes to the inventory. However, considering the benefits in terms of loot acquisition, Loba isn’t at all an excellent combat character when deploying in the front of the battlefield. 


Lifeline focuses on keeping her teammates alive and always in the fight. Her passive ability, Combat Medic, automatically revives downed teammates with a shield, allowing her to quickly get her squad back on their feet. Her tactical ability, D.O.C. Heal Drone, deploys a drone that heals any teammate who stands near it. Her ultimate, Care Package calls down an airdrop of high-quality loot care packages filled with weapons and defensive armors. While Lifeline offers strong support capabilities, her abilities are somewhat basic compared to some of the newer Legends. However, her powerful level 3 upgrades can make her a more attractive pick for players who value a more traditional support role.


Catalyst utilizes her knowledge of ferrite to control the battlefield and manipulate the environment. Her tactical ability, Ferrofluid Canister, throws a canister that hardens on impact, creating temporary cover or blocking doorways. Her ultimate, Element Infusion, allows her to control existing metal structures on the map, manipulating their shape and functionality to create new pathways, block enemies, or rain down damaging shrapnel. While Catalyst offers interesting strategic options, her abilities can be situational and require some practice to master. Additionally, some of her abilities were nerfed in recent patches, making her a less powerful choice overall.


The daring pilot, Valkyrie was once unmatched in terms of mobility. Her tactical ability, VTOL Jets, allows her to briefly hover and fly, making her a master of repositioning and flanking enemies. Her ultimate, Skyward Dive, calls down a dropship that her entire team can use to launch themselves to a chosen location on the map. This makes Valkyrie a great choice for aggressive teams who want to quickly drop into fights or reposition for the endgame. However, recent balance changes have toned down her mobility somewhat, downing her to the Apex Legends Tier List B.


Seer utilizes his microdrones to track and disrupt enemies. His tactical ability, Focus of Attention, throws a drone that reveals the location and health of all enemies it touches, highlighting them for Seer and his teammates for a short duration. His ultimate, Exhibit, creates a dome of revealing light that highlights all enemies within its radius, disabling their ability to use sprint or heal, and revealing their footsteps. While Seer’s tracking abilities are powerful, recent nerfs have toned them down somewhat. Additionally, his legend upgrades can be underwhelming compared to others on the higher Apex Legends Tier List.


Wraith phases between dimensions to outmaneuver enemies and flee danger. Her tactical ability, Into the Void, allows her to briefly become intangible and invulnerable to damage while still being able to move and shoot. Her ultimate, Dimensional Rift, creates portals that connect two locations, allowing her and her teammates to quickly reposition across the battlefield. While Wraith remains a popular choice due to her ease of use and strong escape abilities, other Legends on the higher Apex Legends Tier List offer more utility or offensive power for the team.

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Apex Legends Tier List C

The Apex Legends Tier List C characters are very specific. They are simply unable to perform well generally, and can only perform decently under certain situations. In addition, they don’t provide a lot of value as a team member.

Apex Legends Tier List C


Vantage the sharpshooter excels at taking high ground and long-range sniping. She can automatically spot and highlight enemies when she uses her mid-range zoom on her weapon using Echo Location. With her ultimate, Sniper’s Mark, she can also reveal and highlight enemies for Vantage and her teammates when she aims down sights with a sniper rifle, increasing the damage they deal. While Vantage offers strong long-range capabilities, her abilities don’t provide much direct benefit to her team in close-quarter combat situations. That puts her on the Apex Legends Tier List C.


Rampart focuses on setting up defensive positions and laying down suppressive fire to draw support for allies. Her passive ability, Modded Loader, allows her to increase the magazine size and reload speed of LMGs and Miniguns. She can also deploy walls with shields that block incoming fire while boosting allies’ outgoing fire using Amped Cover. Sheila as her ultimate is a mounted machine gun with high damage, especially when put in strategic locations or choke points. While Rampart can create strong defensive positions, the Devotion nerf has impacted her effectiveness, and her abilities can be detrimental if not used strategically. However, her level 3 upgrades can help compensate for some of these drawbacks as a Apex Legends Tier List C contender.


Ballistic uses slam attacks and punches on the battlefield. Her character and kit seem to be designed to be offensive support. Magnetic Slam as her tactical ability provides punching area damage, while her ultimate, Mag Rail, creates a rechargeable zipline the same as Pathfinder’s. While Ballistic offers interesting offensive and movement options, her tactical ability can be buggy and her ultimate somewhat situational. Additionally, her overall kit lacks the power of some other Apex Legends Tier List characters.

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Apex Legends Tier List D

These characters are considered to be poor choices to deploy on the field. Not only that they need major buffs and rework, but also player mastery and dedication to play them in the game.

Apex Legends Tier List D


Ash currently struggles to find a strong niche in the Apex Games. She can reveal the location of recently deathboxed enemies to her and the team for a short duration using Marked for Death. However, this information becomes less valuable later in the game when encounters are more frequent. Her tactical ability, Arc Snare, throws a tethered arc snare that damages and tethers the first enemy it hits. While it can be used to interrupt enemy movement or pull them out of cover. However, its effectiveness is somewhat limited. While Ash’s legend upgrades can offer some improvements, they don’t quite bring her to a competitive spot in the Apex Legends Tier List.


Mirage specializes in stealth and decoy to manipulate enemy players. His passive ability, Now You See Me, automatically cloaks him when he goes down, allowing for a potential revive opportunity. His tactical ability, Psyche Out, throws a holographic decoy that runs in a straight line or toward a targeted location. His ultimate, Vanishing Act, makes him invisible and creates a swarm of decoys for a short duration. While Mirage’s abilities can be fun and occasionally confuse enemies, they often lack the effectiveness needed in competitive play. His invisibility is brief and doesn’t offer invulnerability, and his decoys can be easily distinguished by experienced players.

This concludes the breakdown of the Apex Legends Tier List. As far as recommendations go, we encourage you to adopt this list as a point of reference. Your playstyle and how you utilize each character are the most important factors to win the game. In addition, we also encourage you to experiment with characters and team mixes, they are also key to winning. Apart from that, don’t forget to have fun, Legends!


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